Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we specialize in working with clean formulas.

Components must be provided 4 weeks before the scheduled production date.

Components must be provided 4 weeks before the scheduled production date.

Our R&D fees are determined on a case-by-case basis.

We hold several prestigious certifications that underscore our commitment to quality, safety, and environmental stewardship:

- Certified by the California Department of Health for Cosmetics Manufacturing and Organic Processed Products.
- QAI Certified for the NSF/ANSI 305 Personal Care Standard and Organic Certificate by QAI.
- ISO 22716 (Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practice) certified by SGS.
- ISO 14644 Class 8 Clean Room certification.

Our storage policy includes a fee for utilizing our storage capabilities.

Our minimum order quantity (MOQ) typically starts at 10,000 units. However, we understand the unique needs of different clients and markets. For products that align well with our manufacturing capabilities and market demand, we are open to negotiating lower MOQs. This flexibility allows us to support a wider range of clients, including those with niche markets or smaller scale operations.

Yes, we offer turnkey capabilities.

Our filling capabilities include bottles, tubes, hot pours, and sachets.

We specialize in manufacturing a diverse range of high-quality products specifically designed for the beauty and wellness industry, including skin & body care products, hair care products, and spa products.

Yes, we have in-house testing capabilities.

We specialize in a broad array of personal care and beauty products including lotions, creams, scrubs, shower gels, deodorants, shampoo, conditioners, pomade, textured hair care products, foot scrubs, and massage oils, among others.

Our lead time is typically 10 to 12 weeks, assuming there are no delays in component or raw material availability.

Yes, we do offer hot pour manufacturing services.

No, we do not handle aerosol products.

Yes, we’re familiar with MoCRA, the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act in the United States. It's a legislative update aiming to enhance the regulatory oversight of cosmetics by the FDA, including provisions for mandatory product registration, adverse event reporting, adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices, and safety substantiation of products. This act marks a significant step towards ensuring the safety and quality of cosmetics and personal care products.